Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 40: Mirror, Window & Lantern

Japanese Garden
Originally uploaded by NatashaP.
Almost finished reading that chapter on Interpretation.

Yes, it seems to drag on forever! I spent most of today recuperating from yesterday, and editing my grandma's funeral book.

I love this photo, though. First of all, it brings back those nostalgic moments I have with Japan. You could even call it "homesick" in a way. Japan is calling me again!

Secondly, it has something to do with what I read today! Towards the end of the chapter I'm struggling with (Intepretation in Quali Research), the author makes a reference back to the very first chapter when he talks about the three types of "seeing" things: Mirror, Window and Lantern.

Since I skipped every chapter to come directly to this very chapter I'm now reading, I had to skip back to first chapter again! Duh!

Anyway, it's almost 3 now. So I'd better go to bed. Tomorrow they're coming to deliver more bookshelves here! Kids, if you're going to do Ph.D., you need a lot of bookshelves at home! :-P

Oh, how I wish I could hop right into the park, right next to this pond, to meditate!


Unknown said...

We have 2 big shelves, 1 medium, and 1 small...all for books : )

Dana Weber said...
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